Emacs org-mode sandbox

A Clean and Comfort Stylesheet

This article serves as a complete demonstration for my org.css, a simple and clean stylesheet for org-exported HTML file. You may switch between the default style provided by Emacs Org mode, i.e., styles specified in the variable org-html-style-default and my customized stylesheet using the button at the top left corner.

Hello world vs world 🙃


<2015-11-09 Mon 14:41>

Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system cite:dominik2003-org.

We use Lorem ipsum text to demonstrate all elements you would expect to see in the org-exported HTML pages. Note however that the .title, .subtitle and #postamble element are not included in this section.

TODO Title with TODO

DONE Title with DONE

Some inactive timestamps

[2019-02-20 Wed 12:03] With time !

Let’s write some stuff between the two !

[2019-02-20 Wed] Without time

Title with Priority

Title with Tag   tag0 tag1



Table 1: Table Caption
\(N\) \(N^2\) \(N^3\) \(N^4\) \(\sqrt n\) \(\sqrt[4]N\)
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16 1.4142 1.1892
3 9 27 81 1.7321 1.3161


  • The ordered list
    1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    2. Donec et massa sit amet ligula maximus feugiat.
    3. Morbi consequat orci et tincidunt sagittis.
  • Unordered list
    • Aliquam non metus nec elit pellentesque scelerisque.
    • In accumsan nunc ac orci varius hendrerit.
    • Suspendisse non eros eu nisi finibus maximus.
  • Unordered checked list [1/3]
    • ☑ Aliquam non metus nec elit pellentesque scelerisque.
    • ☐ In accumsan nunc ac orci varius hendrerit.
    • ☐ Suspendisse non eros eu nisi finibus maximus.
  • Definition list
    Lorem ipsum
    dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet sollicitudin venenatis. Duis sed consequat dolor.
    Etiam feugiat
    pharetra sapien et semper. Nunc ornare lacus sit amet massa auctor, vitae aliquam eros interdum. Mauris arcu ante, imperdiet vel purus ac, bibendum faucibus diam. Ut blandit nec mi at ultricies. Donec eget mattis nisl. In sed nibh felis. Cras quis convallis orci.
    Sed aliquam
    odio sed faucibus aliquam, arcu augue elementum justo, ut vulputate ligula sem in augue. Maecenas ante felis, pellentesque auctor semper non, eleifend quis ante. Fusce enim orci, suscipit ac dapibus et, fermentum eu tortor. Duis in facilisis ante, quis faucibus dolor. Etiam maximus lorem quis accumsan vehicula.
  • Drawers

    Still outside the drawer


    This is inside the drawer.

    And an update 😉


    This is an update :)

    After the drawer.


    This is a note


    This is an info


    This is a tip


    This is a warning


Figure 1: Demo Picture with Caption

And a really wide picture.

Figure 2: A really long picture


\begin{align} \mathcal{F}(a) &= \frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z - a}\,dz\\ \int_D (\nabla\cdot \mathcal{F})\,dV &=\int_{\partial D}\mathcal{F}\cdot n\, dS \end{align}



(message "foo is bar")

foo is bar


fmt.Println("Hello, 世界")

Hello, 世界


POST http://httpbin.org/post
Content-Type: application/json

  "key": "value"

{ “url”: “http://httpbin.org/post”, “json”: { “key”: “value” }, “headers”: { “User-Agent”: “curl/7.35.0”, “Host”: “httpbin.org”, “Content-Type”: “application/json”, “Content-Length”: “18”, “Accept”: “/” }, “form”: {}, “files”: {}, “data”: “{ \”key\“: \”value\“}”, “args”: {} }


fn main() {
    let greetings = ["Hello", "Hola", "Bonjour",
                     "Ciao", "こんにちは", "안녕하세요",
                     "Cześć", "Olá", "Здравствуйте",
                     "chào bạn", "您好"];

    for (num, greeting) in greetings.iter().enumerate() {
        print!("{} : ", greeting);
        match num {
            0 =>  println!("This code is editable and runnable!"),
            1 =>  println!("Este código es editable y ejecutable!"),
            2 =>  println!("Ce code est modifiable et exécutable!"),
            3 =>  println!("Questo codice è modificabile ed eseguibile!"),
            4 =>  println!("このコードは編集して実行出来ます!"),
            5 =>  println!("여기에서 코드를 수정하고 실행할 수 있습니다!"),
            6 =>  println!("Ten kod można edytować oraz uruchomić!"),
            7 =>  println!("Esse código é editável e executável!"),
            8 =>  println!("Этот код можно отредактировать и запустить!"),
            9 =>  println!("Bạn có thể edit và run code trực tiếp!"),
            10 =>  println!("这段代码是可以编辑并且能够运行的!"),
            _ =>  {},

Hello : This code is editable and runnable! Hola : Este código es editable y ejecutable! Bonjour : Ce code est modifiable et exécutable! Ciao : Questo codice è modificabile ed eseguibile! こんにちは : このコードは編集して実行出来ます! 안녕하세요 : 여기에서 코드를 수정하고 실행할 수 있습니다! Cześć : Ten kod można edytować oraz uruchomić! Olá : Esse código é editável e executável! Здравствуйте : Этот код можно отредактировать и запустить! chào bạn : Bạn có thể edit và run code trực tiếp! 您好 : 这段代码是可以编辑并且能够运行的!


Execute with node.js

module Greeting {
    export class Hello {
        constructor(private text : string) {
        say() :void{

var hello : Greeting.Hello = new Greeting.Hello("Hello, World!");

Hello, World!


You can see transpile results by specifying “:wrap SRC js” header argument.

module Greeting {
    export class Hello {
        constructor(private text : string) {
        say() :void{

var hello : Greeting.Hello = new Greeting.Hello("Hello, World!");
var Greeting;
(function (Greeting) {
    var Hello = (function () {
        function Hello(text) {
            this.text = text;
        Hello.prototype.say = function () {
        return Hello;
    Greeting.Hello = Hello;
})(Greeting || (Greeting = {}));
var hello = new Greeting.Hello("Hello, World!");


Let’s try something with ditaa

    +-----------+        +---------+
    |    PLC    |        |         |
    |  Network  +<------>+   PLC   +<---=---------+
    |    cRED   |        |  c707   |              |
    +-----------+        +----+----+              |
                              ^                   |
                              |                   |
                              |  +----------------|-----------------+
                              |  |                |                 |
                              v  v                v                 v
      +----------+       +----+--+--+      +-------+---+      +-----+-----+       Windows clients
      |          |       |          |      |           |      |           |      +----+      +----+
      | Database +<----->+  Shared  +<---->+ Executive +<-=-->+ Operator  +<---->|cYEL| . . .|cYEL|
      |   c707   |       |  Memory  |      |   c707    |      | Server    |      |    |      |    |
      +--+----+--+       |{d} cGRE  |      +------+----+      |   c707    |      +----+      +----+
         ^    ^          +----------+             ^           +-------+---+
         |    |                                   |
         |    +--------=--------------------------+
|                 |
| Millwide System |            -------- Data ---------
| cBLU            |            --=----- Signals ---=--


References and labels !

foo is bar

(save-excursion                ;; (foo)
  (message "this is baz")
  (goto-char (point-min))    ;; (bar)

In line foo we remember the current position. Line bar jumps to point-min.

1: (save-excursion
2:   (message "this is sparta")
3:   (goto-char (point-min))

In line 1 we remember the current position. Line 3 jumps to point-min.


this is italic this should be underlined

Known Issues

The citation exporter, ox-bibtex, does NOT work seamlessly. As of Org-mode 8.3.2, I have the following issues.

Dangling Element   solved

The lisp function insert-file-contents used in ox-bibtex does not move point and insertion-marker to the end of inserted text (I’m not sure it is a bug or an intention). The result is that the citation is a dangling table not included in the bibliography div.

The expected result is

<div id="bibliography">
  <!-- Citation content goes here -->

But we got

<div id="bibliography">
<!-- Citation content goes here -->

Unless a patch is submitted, we may need to manually adjust this weird result.